Monday, February 14, 2011

CH.2! one company towns gone in america, a new one in CHINA!

In chapter 2 of this class, I learned so much and want to share..

the shift in many of the laws, the way business are ran, instructed, bound together, dependent but yet independent.  I learned that a new term in my studies, referring to the hiring of campaigned loyalist in the governmental and also reserved contracts by business, that makes a lot of sense and is very relevant to the ways in winch politics is run and done in Guam!  ready!.......called PATRONAGE!  ya, it's existence dates back to the 1860's and well on into the 20th century!

Well once you look at it like that then, we aren't behind the times, we are a result! Guahan's infancy politically nationally and globally, again, in our infantile stage in terms of politics and the adminstratioun, tackling on a radical social evolution forced on, quite frankly, by external forces! saying we got a lot going on !.

One more thing out of this chapter i want to bring light to is the misconception about ENGLISH ONLY policies! it is a perfect example of over stepping the boundaries, it's sighted in the book, as a result of multiculturalism and a "backlash" or was it the other way around!!    -in military establishments, HELL YA, in public places and buildings, HELL NO, I can speak in what ever tongue I like!!  I think we need to embrace others languages and provide the grounds to learn and share, from a peoples of the sea, under the sun!


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